oh look a little white rectangle with a magnifying glass! I wonder what it does?

Monday, March 2, 2015

Minecraft Monday - What is Minecraft?

So I'm supposed to be entertaining a couple of elementary school boys but I'm really tired so I suggested that one of them (who I will refer to as Steve - Steve, stop elbowing me!) write a post with me about Minecraft (you know, to go with the whole M theme - MIDI, Moofish, Musicians, Memes, and now Minecraft).

So here is what this Steve looks like:

Haha not really.

Anyway um minecraft, for those of you who don't know what it is, was - no Steve, it wasn't created in 1977 with a slightly English accent - for crying out loud, that makes utterly no sense!

BUT ANYWAY...no Steve, minecraft was not originally in black and white.

*ahem* anyway minecraft is this game that was created in 2009, not 1977, by Swedish programmer Markus Persson (otherwise known as Notch).

Notch, seen here with his trademark bowler hat.

No Steve, it was not made by William Shakespeare.

deja vu, anyone?

Anyway in minecraft...no Steve, deja vu is not Chinese. *sigh* Minecraft is a sandbox game where you play in a world made up entirely of blocks. Stone blocks, grass blocks, wood blocks, etc. It looks something like this:

In it you break blocks to gain resources, and you can build cool stuff with blocks too - like so:

or if you are like Steve you can blow up other people's stuff for no reason whatsoever...

There are some nice creatures in the world too that are so friendly and fun. Like this fine fellow:

That'ssssss a nice blog you have there...

haha actually that's a Creeper and if you go anywhere near it....let's just say, this is the result:


If you get a lot of resources you can find a portal to another dimension called the End and you get to kill this other fellow here:

...which is kind of actually pointless but whatev.

Steve, stop saying "Go Shakespeare!" *headdesk*

The thing I really like about minecraft is playing on servers with other people - it gives the game a unique social aspect where you can live together in virtual towns and build stuff together. Or you can beat each other to a pulp if you're of that inclination.

Steve, stop singing "Deja vu, go French!" How about you tell our lovely readers about your personal experience with minecraft? How has it affected your life, your emotions, and your overall well-being?

He says, "It has made me want to go..." *insert small boy making an explosion sound here*

Well there you have it...minecraft has a rather explosive effect on the lives of many of today's citizens. Why not get involved? The game is only $26.50, and it's worth every penny! Or pence if you're British.

So yeah that's all for today...except Steve has one more thing... *insert more explosion sounds here*

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